Medical massages

  • Medical massages

Although touches come from the outside, they have an inward effect first and foremost. They grasp the whole body and touch the heart. This sensory perception is elementary, and therefore it is completely without words...


The effect of massage extends from the treated part of the body to the whole organism, which also includes the psyche.


More information

Organisation der Arbeitswelt Medizinischer Masseure OdA MM: Berufsprofil


Psychoactive massage

This Psychoactive Massage is a body-therapeutic method developed in the last 30 years by Gabriele Mariele Kiebgis. In the meantime, its effectiveness has been scientifically proven. It represents an integrative medical treatment and massage concept and meets the basic need for touch.


Its effectiveness is triggered by a special therapeutic massage touch on the skin. Psychoactive massage touch according to Gabriele Mariell Kiebgis is based on the knowledge of interoception. Interoception is the perception of internal processes in the human body. Touch - including massage touch - is perceived as pleasant and holistic when it meets the physical order, stimulates certain nerve fibers (c-tactile) and the way of touching triggers a feeling of well-being.


Psychoactive massage according to Gabriele Mariell Kiebgis® is suitable for all people. In particular, it supports people with psychophysical stress in their healing process.


Text: Gabriele Mariell Kiebgis, more info:


Further information:

Körpertherapie am Bodensee: Psychoaktive Massage nach Gabriele Mariell Kiebgis©

Video Psychoaktive Massage nach Gabriele Mariell Kiebgis©

Studie Psychoaktive Massage

nach Gabriele Mariell Kiebgis©



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